MoneyScan CS 801 II Heavy Duty Coin Sorter

MoneyScan CS 801 II Heavy Duty Coin Sorter


Coin Counter & Sorter


The most advanced Heavy Duty Coin Sorter CS 801 II has arrived in the market. It is a multi-function product, with integration of defecting, sorting and counting. It detects the coins with the multiple alloy sensors and with LCD display.

Functions include "Batch Counting", "Piece Counting", "Value Counting", "Memory Function", "Kick Back Function" and data connectable to personal computers.

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Sorting Speed: 600 coins per minute

Hopper Capacity: 3600 coins

Sorter Number: 1-9 different coins

Countable coin size:  - Thickness: 4mm

                                       - Diameter: 14-31mm

Dimensions: 670 x 315 x 510mm

Net Weight: 34 kg